Monday, 10 October 2011

BBC Local Radio Cuts Continued

Suffolk Online - Radio

Readers will see from the posting below that we have set up an e-petition, to preserve the integrity of BBC Radio Suffolk, on the relevant government website. We’re using this posting to collect together various sources of information and links to help those that want to research the matter more thoroughly and/or make their voice heard:

Preserve BBC Radio Suffolk Afternoon SchedulesEpetition

Please register you’re vote here – you’ll see the detail of the “case” we’re making if you click on the link. Voting here may help focus any government intervention in the BBC’s plans.

A Summary Of The Proposals

Interesting to note here that the totality of “radio” spend - national and local - represents only 17% of the licence fee.

Proposals in Detail And Link To Full Document

Public Consultation

I’ve just filled the response documents in and it took me about an hour to read through properly and then comment. It was an interesting exercise and, in my humble opinion, local radio and local news of any sort seem to be the soft targets at the expense of “headline” areas such as drama. The results of consultation will be available in spring 2012.

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